Friday, September 16, 2005


lack me
seck me
fick me
kuck me
dock me

am so dropdead
am so advertised
am so wealthy nation
am so irretrievable
am so credit card
am so hotly contested

want my perfect scent
want my perfect artificial
want my perfect distance
want my perfect orgasmic
want my perfect photoshopped

I drive a Mercedes Benzodiazepene
I vac mounds of snow
I give deepthroat finger
I believe every airbrushed
I assume form of the new blackmail

wanna be on top of your lust
wanna be a work of ass
wanna be the Vague cover girl
wanna be a superstarvation
wanna be your mantis

see me advanced
see me undress rehearsal
see me make you stutterflutter
see me as you choke & divulge
see me fly
see me wasp

Note: in Greek, the word 'pharmakon' can mean both 'poison' and 'remedy'.